Million internet users in China

Million online payment users in China

% online payment penetration in China

Connecting you to China's leading payment platforms

WeChat Pay and Alipay are China’s dominant mobile payment providers, running more than 92% of the country’s mobile payments between them.
Over 900 million people trust their WeChat Pay and Alipay Wallets to pay bills, buy luxury goods and make online purchases.
Target the thriving Chinese market by catering to their preferred payment methods and join the 20 million merchants already offering this trusted payment option.
Attract Chinese tourists visiting the UK and buying remotely from China using PyxHub’s expert marketing tools.

How PyxPro Works



Integrate PyxPro into your existing checkout process so that you can accept Alipay, WeChat Pay and China UnionPay transactions.


We can get you set up within 5 working days after your account is approved.


We don’t charge a fee for set-up or maintenance. You just pay a flat processing fee per transaction, based on its value.

PyxPro Cross-Border Payments

Safe, secure, immediate – PyxPro makes payments simple and allows you to focus on your business. Our tools are intuitive and easy to manage with no additional resources needed from your side. As the world gets smaller, we help make yours bigger.

WeChat Pay, AliPay and China Union Pay

No maintenance or set-up fees

Merchants customers settle in T+2

Delivered to highest international standards

Detailed insights and real-time analytics

Super fast implementation

Dedicated account manager and technical support

Notifications alert chargebacks alerts

PyxPro Solutions

Online Payments

China’s e-commerce market is only a few clicks away with our fast, simple and safe solutions. Integration with PyxPro allows Chinese customers to use familiar payment methods at your online checkout. And we don’t get paid until you do, so you can be sure that we’ll continue to work to maximise your success.

In-Store Payments

For cashless payment processing at every point of sale, we offer a wide range of the latest generation industry-specific solutions, including a free mobile app, a standalone POS machine, and integration with your existing POS machines.

In-App Payments

Integrating with PyxPro gives your customers a seamless payment experience. Our tailored checkout lists the best options based on a customer’s known preferences, location, risk profile and more.

General Questions

What’s the difference between AliPay and WeChat Pay?
For consumers, both platforms offer a similar payment experience as they both utilise QR codes to complete a payment. The difference is that Alipay is a pure payment app, while WeChat Pay is a payment feature that is integrated into the WeChat app. With over 1.08 billion monthly active users as of the third quarter of 2018, WeChat has become one of the most widely used mobile products in the world.
Why should I integrate with PyxPro?
China's eCommerce market is the biggest in the world, but there is one major difference - payments. Of China's approximate $650 billion in transactions, less than 1% is conducted with an international card such as Visa or Mastercard. Over 70% are done with China Union Pay, AliPay, and WechatPay. Of those, WechatPay and AliPay are the dominant players.
How does PyxPro settlement work?
When the customer has completed the payment, the amount will be allocated to PyxPro’s Partner settlement bank. There is no uncertainty or risk to merchants on fluctuating exchange rates. After instantly collecting payment from PyxPro’s Partner’s account, WeChat Pay or Alipay then buys foreign currency on the same day according to the spot rate that the settlement bank provides. As soon as PyxPro’s Partner bank receives the money from WeChat Pay or Alipay, the amount settles to the merchant’s bank account.
What are the settlement times using PyxPro?
Settlement to our merchant customers are on a T+2 basis, end to end. This means that transactions that take place on Monday will be deposited in your bank account on Wednesday (subject to being good business days in the respective countries).
What are PyxPro's transaction limits?
We do have certain limits on transaction amounts, it varies by merchant size, merchant type and depends on your average transaction size.
How long does it take to install & set up using PyxPro?
We can get you set-up within 5 working days after account approval, but often faster.
What is PyxPro's processing rate?
Our relationships with AliPay and WechatPay means that our processing rates are among the lowest available anywhere. Please contact one of our representatives to learn more about what we can offer you.
Is it free to integrate with PyxPro?
Yes, for our standard integration, we do not charge any setup or maintenance fees. You just pay one flat processing fee based on transaction value.
Do you charge fees for the foreign exchange conversion?
Unlike traditional payments processors, we don't charge fees for foreign exchange, statements, withdrawals, or billing. Our flat rate is based on transaction volume and is taken at source, so you don’t ever have to deal with an invoice from us (chargebacks on canceled transactions may incur nominal charges).
Of the 3 payment methods, can i pick which we wish to use?
You can select which payment method(s) are right for you based on the style of your brand, product offering and target consumers.


The Chinese market is NOW simple to access, using PyxPro Payments.